The Hands on Drums' space on Rhode Island Ave. is now vacant as developer MRP Realty clears the way for a new project.

The Hands on Drums' space on Rhode Island Ave. is now vacant as developer MRP Realty clears the way for a new project.

Artists seeking out affordable spaces are often the first signs that gentrification is coming to an area. They move into a neighborhood and, often inadvertently, make it more appealing to outsiders. Then, developers begin to invest in the neighborhood, driving property values and rent up, and the artists are pushed out.

That process has played out across the D.C. region, where artists are struggling to find affordable spaces to make, share and sell their work. Kojo explores how the forces of gentrification are affecting the region’s artists– and what it might mean for local culture as a whole.


WAMU: ‘It’s an Uphill Battle’ Say Artists Caught In D.C.’s Development Squeeze

‘It’s an Uphill Battle’ Say Artists Caught In D.C.’s Development Squeeze

Hands On Drums is one of many arts spaces struggling to survive as development spreads across the city.

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