In response to the school shooting that claimed the lives of 17 students in Parkland, Florida, schools across the Washington region are responding with heightened security and safety precautions. The threats are no longer hypothetical. Just last week, a Montgomery County student was arrested for bringing a loaded gun to his high school. From a mental health standpoint, how are local students processing school shootings? We discuss with counselors and educators working to create a safe learning environment.

WAMU Education coverage is supported in part by American Graduate: Let’s Make It Happen, a public media initiative made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.


  • Jill Cook Assistant Director, American School Counselor Association; @ASCAtweets
  • Christina Conolly Director of Psychological Services, Montgomery County Public Schools; @MCPS
  • Ed Clarke Executive Director, Maryland Center for School Safety
  • Lois Berlin Interim Superintendent, Alexandria City Public Schools

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