Guest Host: Brendan Greeley

A joint March for Racial Justice and March for Black Women in Washington, D.c. on September 30, 2017.

A joint March for Racial Justice and March for Black Women in Washington, D.c. on September 30, 2017.

On January 15, Washingtonians take time to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., the most public face for the groundbreaking Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s. To many, King represents peaceful protest rooted in Christian values. While true, that image doesn’t entirely reveal King’s complex views. He abhorred militarism, critiqued capitalism and was increasingly frustrated with “white moderates.” Fifty years after King was assassinated, we review King’s lesser known legacy with a Black Lives Matter activist and two historians.


  • Erika Totten Co-Founder, Black Lives Matter DMV; 2LiveUnchained"
  • George Derek Musgrove Associate Professor of History at University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Co-author of "Chocolate City: A History of Race and Democracy in the Nation’s Capital"; @gdmusgrove
  • Robert Birt Assistant Professor, Department of History and Government, Bowie State University; Author, "The Liberatory Thought of Martin Luther King Jr: Critical Essays on the Philosopher King"

Black Lives Matter DC's #ReclaimMLK Events

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