Packaged chicken breasts at a grocery store in Fairfax, Va. in 2011.

Packaged chicken breasts at a grocery store in Fairfax, Va. in 2011.

Chicken is America’s favorite meat, but the price for workers in poultry plants may be high. Oxfam recently released a report alleging that poultry workers–including those in Maryland’s huge chicken processing plants–are routinely denied bathroom breaks, to the point that some workers wear diapers while on the job. This follows a report last year alleging poor working conditions, including a high injury rate, low pay and a culture of fear for many immigrant workers.


  • Roberto Ferdman Reporter for the Washington Post's Wonkblog
  • Oliver Gottfried Senior Advocacy and Collaborations Advisor, Oxfam America
  • Debbie Berkowitz Senior Fellow for Worker Safety and Health, National Employment Law Project

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