D.C. street car funding comes back from the dead. The ghosts of a Nixon-era scandal return to haunt Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell. And the Deepwater Horizon oil spill spooks Maryland politicians concerned about tourist-dependent beach-communities. Join us for our weekly review of the politics, policies, and personalities of the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.


  • Tom Sherwood Resident Analyst; NBC 4 reporter; and Columnist for the Current Newspapers
  • Michael Jackson Candidate, Prince George's County Executive; Prince George's County Sheriff
  • Vincent Orange Democratic Candidate, Chairman, D.C. Council; Former Member, D.C. Council, D-Ward 5

Politics Hour Extra

The Politics Hour (May 28, 2010): Prince George’s County Sheriff Michael Jackson addresses some of the issues that are sure to come up during his candidacy for the County Executive. In particular, Jackson defended his deputies’ actions during the errant July 2008 raid on Berwyn Heights Mayor Cheye Calvo’s home during which two of Calvo’s dogs were killed:

Democratic candidate for D.C. Council Chairman Vincent Orange on his challenge to Kwame Brown and why his financial experience and previous Council background are needed now.

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