House Republicans released the long-awaited details of their plan to replace the Affordable Care Act early last week. Congressional Democrats and Republicans alike have responded critically to the reform package, dubbed the American Health Care Act, which some argue would disadvantage older, poorer Americans. Among other changes, the plan would eventually end the expansions to Medicaid that helped hundreds of thousands of local residents gain coverage. The new plan would also assign health care tax credits by age rather than income. As the politics play out on the national level, Kojo explores what the new legislation could mean for residents and health care providers on the ground in Maryland, D.C. and Virginia.


  • Jeananne Sciabarra Executive Director, Consumer Health First; @4ConsumerHealth
  • Sean T. Connaughton President & CEO, Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association (VHHA); @VirginiaHHA
  • Mila Kofman Executive Director, DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority; @DCHealthLink

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