Filling a prescription these days can be as easy as a few mouse clicks for doctors, and a quick trip through the CVS drive-through for patients. But one category of potent drugs remains stubbornly on paper: controlled substances like painkillers and sedatives that carry high risk of addiction. But with recent federal regulations and technological advances, pharmacies and care providers are now permitted to handle these drugs online, a move that could have a powerful impact on a growing epidemic of prescription drug abuse. Kojo explores how this new IT initiative in healthcare is affecting doctors, patients and the fight against addiction.


  • Dr. Peter Kaufman Chief Medical Officer, DrFirst; Gastroenterologist, Capital Digestive Care (Bethesda, MD.)
  • Paul Uhrig Chief Administrative and Legal Officer; Chief Privacy Officer, Surescripts
  • Dr. Sean Kelly Chief Medical Officer, Imprivata; Emergency Medical Physician, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

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