Guest Host: Jonathan Capehart

The Center Building at St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, D.C.

The Center Building at St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, D.C.

The release of John Hinckley Jr. ends the stay of one of D.C.’s most infamous mental health patients from St. Elizabeths Hospital. With support from his clinicians — yet strict court-ordered restrictions on his movements — the would-be presidential assassin will now make his home 150 miles away in Williamsburg, Va., a town whose residents say they fear his permanent return. But as Hinckley makes his transition from D.C, he also leaves behind a personal and legal legacy for our region and beyond. We examine how Hinckley changed during his three decades at St. Elizabeths and ask how his case impacted mental-health treatment and criminal law.


  • Eddie Dean Contributing Editor, Washingtonian Magazine
  • Richard Bonnie Professor of Medicine and Law, University of Virginia; Director, University of Virginia Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy

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