A Lyft driver drops off a passenger near Union Station

A Lyft driver drops off a passenger near Union Station

Ridehailing companies like Uber, Lyft and Via see themselves as an answer to congestion in big cities. Yet, more and more studies are coming out with the opposite conclusion: ridehailing seems to actually make traffic worse by steering riders away from public transit. How might ridehailing companies and governments work to improve traffic conditions in our cities? What happens when we start summoning driverless cars with our smartphones? Is congestion pricing a potential solution? We discuss ridehailing and the future of transportation in our cities.


  • Faiz Siddiqui Transportation Reporter, The Washington Post @faizsays
  • Gabe Klein Co-founder of CityFi; Former Director, District of Columbia Department of Transportation @gabe_klein
  • Steve Taylor General Manager for the Mid-Atlantic Region, Lyft @stephentaylor
  • Andrei Greenawalt Vice President for Public Policy, Via
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