Saying Goodbye To The Kojo Nnamdi Show
On this last episode, we look back on 23 years of joyous, difficult and always informative conversation.
Guest Host: Jen Golbeck
A scientist holds an adult and a juvenile blue crab.
State officials are ending the commercial crabbing season early this year in Maryland and Virginia. The move comes in response to a study that found a decrease in blue crab populations in the Chesapeake Bay. This winter saw a drop of nearly 100 million crabs in the Bay compared to last winter, and the number of juvenile crabs are half of what they were. How much of an impact will the crabbing restrictions have on the dwindling crab populations? We explore the issues and the perspectives of crabbers who rely on the Bay for their livelihood.
On this last episode, we look back on 23 years of joyous, difficult and always informative conversation.
Kojo talks with author Briana Thomas about her book “Black Broadway In Washington D.C.,” and the District’s rich Black history.
Poet, essayist and editor Kevin Young is the second director of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture. He joins Kojo to talk about his vision for the museum and how it can help us make sense of this moment in history.
Ms. Woodruff joins us to talk about her successful career in broadcasting, how the field of journalism has changed over the decades and why she chose to make D.C. home.