Smoked brisket.

Smoked brisket.

It comes from humble beginnings: a tough but affordable cut of meat that needs to cook a long time before it’s tender enough to eat. But as enthusiasm for BBQ has expanded, from Texas to Brooklyn and beyond, professional chefs and home cooks alike are embracing brisket with new fervor. And as the dish has moved from tradition to trend, the price of brisket has skyrocketed. We consider the implications of the so-called “brisket bubble” and consider how commodity prices and trends shape our expectations and diets.


  • Spike Gjerde Chef, Woodberry Kitchen, Parts and Labor (Baltimore, Md)
  • Jim Shahin "Smoke Signals" columnist, Washington Post
  • Ridge Shinn Co-founder, Hardwick Beef

Win At Summer With Texas Smoked Brisket

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