Scientific advances help doctors to save and extend the lives of many of their patients. But breakthroughs also can present unforeseen challenges to the religious beliefs of patients that apply to basic matters of life and death . We explore how the intersection of faith and science influences difficult medical decisions for both doctors and patients.


  • Carol Taylor Director, Center for Clinical Bioethics; Associate Professor of Nursing, Georgetown University
  • K. N. Siva Subramanian Chief, Division of Neonatology (Neonatal Perinatal Medicine) and Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynecology, Georgetown University Medical Center; Member, Interreligious Dialogue on Education, Woodstock Theological Center
  • Edwin Neill Scholar in Residence, Center for Clinical Bioethics and Adjunct Professor, School of Nursing and Health, Georgetown University; Attorney in private practice, with a specialty in elder law.

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