October 8, 2015
Dissecting Book Buzz With Ron Charles

WAMU's book club is comprised of web producer Chris Chester (left), "All Things Considered" host Jonathan Wilson and The Kojo Nnamdi Show producer Tayla Burney.
This week we invited a very special guest to join us and were delighted/surprised when he actually said yes.
Ron Charles, for those not familiar, might be the hardest working – and funniest – man in the book business. He’s the editor of Book World at the Washington Post where he reviews fiction weekly himself. If you attend any area book festival – and there are a number of them – you’re apt to find him interviewing at least one author on the schedule. He’s also prolific on social media and known for his “Totally Hip Video Book Reviews,” which he’s no longer making, but I’d encourage you to watch the back catalog and then join our campaign to get him to restart the series by tweeting at him: @RonCharles.
If it isn’t clear by now, I’m a fan of Ron’s work. I trust his judgment and have discovered many new authors through it in my decade or so of reading the Post (in print – I’m an old soul).
Ron’s review of “Fates and Furies” was a rave, so we thought it would be fun to talk to him about the relationship between reviews, sales and the overall buzz factor that surrounds some titles and never builds around others:
We invited Ron to join us here at the station on Thursday, November 5 at 6 p.m. for our book club talk about “Fates and Furies” – and promise we won’t call on him if he does – and you’re invited too!
The event is FREE but we’d love to know how many people to plan for, so do us a favor and RSVP here if you’re planning to come.
See you there!