December 3, 2014
The #kojowhiskeyindex Experiment

We want to get a sense of just how much variation there is in pricing and availability of spirits across the Washington region. Is a bottle of whiskey in Maryland or Virginia really more expensive than the same bottle in D.C.?
We’d like your help: We’re identifying two different 750 ml bottles of whiskey: Catoctin Creek Roundstone Rye and Jack Daniels No. 7 Black. The next time you’re at your local retail establishment, check out whether they have those two bottles and send us the posted prices.
You can use the Twitter hashtag #kojowhiskeyindex, email them to or post the information in the comment section below.
On today’s show we’ve got Scott Harris of Catoctin Creek Distilling Co. and author Garrett Peck discussing the economic forces — seen and unseen — that impact the selection and price of liquor around our region.