Democrats regained control of Congress four years ago after several high-profile scandals damaged the Republican brand. The GOP is looking to return the favor in 2010 now that ethical issues involving Democrats are feeding into an already anti-Washington political climate. We explore why so many people see Washington as an “ethically-challenged” city, and why solutions may require a lot more than new lobbying rules or earmarking guidelines.


  • James Thurber Director of the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies, American University
  • Janine Wedel Professor of Public Policy, George Mason University; Author, "Shadow Elite: How the World's New Power Brokers Undermine Democracy, Government, and the Free Market" (Basic Books)
  • Dana Milbank "Washington Sketch" Columnist, "The Washington Post"; Author, "O is for Obama" (Triumph) and "Homo Politicus: The Strange and Scary Tribes that run our Government" (Doubleday)

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