The story of Ebenezer Scrooge and his transformation from miserly grinch into warm-hearted benefactor is a tale that’s well-known to many Americans. But it’s a story that has belonged to Victorian-era England — until now. We hear about a new stage version of Charles Dickens’ story, set in Washington, D.C. during World War II.


  • Molly Smith Artistic Director, Arena Stage
  • James Magruder Playwright, "Christmas Carol 1941"
  • James Gale Actor, "Elijah Strube," "Christmas Carol 1941"
  • Lawrence Redmond Actor, "Henry Schroen," "Christmas Carol 1941"
  • Gia Mora Actress, "Winged Victory," "Christmas Carol 1941"
  • Connan Morrissey Actress, "Freedom," "Christmas Carol 1941"

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